How to get banned from all TV and film studios
Do you remember Ally Law? In December 2017 he broke in to the National Theatre and spent the night playing with costumes and climbing around the fly tower.
The National hasn’t been Law’s only target. Indeed he’s made a career on YouTube by seeing which places of interest he can just walk in to and take advantage of in a similar manner.
He makes an interesting point of showing just how easy it is to get in to places that are supposedly secure, however he then goes on to act somewhat irresponsibly. At the National he even showed on his video how close he and his friend were to falling from the fly floor.
But now, Law has been slapped with an interim criminal behaviour order, which bans him from entering any film or TV studio, areas of bridges or buildings not open to the public, any commercial property outside business hours and any property owned by Merlin Entertainments.